Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Circuit Debate...

Joey and I were speaking about this recently and we're opening it up to you.

If there were still five Best Picture nominees, which five would have made it?

My guess:
"The Fighter"
"The King's Speech"
"The Social Network"
"True Grit"

"Toy Story 3" or "Inception" but I suspect "Toy Story 3" would have made it. That would make Darren Aronofsky for "Black Swan" the lone director of the year. Some may disagree. You discuss.


  1. I more or less agreed with the big boss man, though I felt that if not Toy Story 3 for the fifth slot, it would have been Black Swan.

    That being said, I'm definitely curious to see how everyone else see this!

  2. This is all really guesswork, though.

    Ask this same question if there were ten Best Picture nominees at the 81st Academy Awards. Everyone - including me - would have confidently assumed that Stephen Daldry would have been the lone director nominee and The Dark Knight would have still been in the Best Picture lineup...and we all would have been wrong.

  3. I have to disagree with the assumption that we would have thought Daldry the lone director. As soon as we saw The Dark Knight losing a Director and Writing nomination, I think it would have been telling enough that it wasn't in the top 5.

    As for this roundup, I've heard people say 127 Hours might have been in the top five, considering it did surprisingly well in the below-the-line categories (particularly an Editing nomination). This seems plausible, and since Black Swan actually didn't do as well as others hoped, I think it is a distinct possibility. Still, as Robert says, it's pure unprovable speculation.

  4. These five would be my guess:
    The Social Network
    The King's Speech
    True Grit
    Black Swan
    The Fighter

    That being said, I'd love to see 127 Hours or maybe even Blue Valentine get some love. Blue Valentine might not be as strong a movie, but it made a bigger impact on me than, say True Grit, The Fighter or Toy Story 3.

  5. I'd love to see anything for Blue Valentine, but it's not nominated for Best Picture, so it's kind of impossible here...

  6. I would personally like to see Inception in that fifth slot. This will be the film people will remember from the year 2010. It may not be the beat film of the year but it sure was one of the best.

  7. The King's Speech - winner
    The Social Network
    Black Swan
    The Fighter
    Toy Story 3

  8. Black Swan
    The Social Network
    The King's Speech
    True Grit

  9. The King's Speech
    The Social Network
    The Fighter
    True Grit

    Those are obvious. The fifth in my opinion would've been Toy Story. I got the feeling they weren't that in love with either Black Swan or Inception.

  10. The King's Speech
    The Social Network
    Toy Story 3
    True Grit
