Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Take a gander at the new Trailer for Kevin Smith's Red State!

It's no secret that this is one of my favorite films of the year so far, but here's a much more appropriate trailer for the type of flick that it is (though I still love the original teaser). Behold:
-Joey's Two Cents: I dig it a lot, obviously...thoughts?


  1. It conveys the tonal shifts pretty well, in my mind at least, but seeing the film might have assisted me in that regard.

  2. It's so weird that I have this much excitement for a Kevin Smith movie. Even if I don't fall in love with the film, I'll probably still be glad I saw it. The cast alone looks great. And if I don't take to the film, I'll always have SModcast.

  3. This is true, but I think you'll like the film. It at least comes with my stamp of approval.

  4. Hey Joey is it weird seeing this trailer after seeing the actual thing 4-5 months ago.

  5. It's not weird, but it is interesting knowing what comes right before and right after the bits you see in the trailer...

  6. I have a feeling I will like it, but given my relationship with Smith in the past, it might be a toss up. However, he is doing something different. Strange how I only warm up to him as a filmmaker just as he begins his retirement.

  7. Fair enough. It'll be very difficult to recognize it as a film of his. Closer to an early Robert Rodriguez type flick. Cross that with Hostel and Race with the Devil, and it's almost like that...but not.
