Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Focus Features picks up Wes Anderson's next flick!

From The Hollywood Reporter:

Focus Features has acquired worldwide rights to Wes Anderson’s upcoming feature, Moonrise Kingdom, Focus CEO James Schamus announced Monday.

Focus will release the indie film in the U.S., while the company’s foreign sales arm will begin pitching it to foreign buyers at Cannes later this month.

Filming has begun on the project - which stars Bill Murray, Bruce Willis and Frances McDormand – about a young couple who go off to be together even though people in their small New England town are convinced they've disappeared.

Anderson is directing from an original screenplay that he wrote with Roman Coppola.

Moonrise Kingdom is being produced by Mr. Anderson, Scott Rudin, Indian Paintbrush’s Steven Rales and American Empirical’s Jeremy Dawson.

-Joey's Two Cents: I'm not big on Anderson, but I'm always willing to give a new work of his a shot...thoughts?


  1. I like the cast, I'll say that...

  2. Fantastic Mr. Fox single-handedly renewed my faith in Mr. Anderson.

  3. That's probably my favorite film of his, though I wasn't wowed by it or anything.

  4. I'm on the same page with Joey. Outside of Fantastic Mr. Fox, The majority of his work baffles me as to why he's so popular. His sense of humor comes off as pretentious and snobby, and his style rubs me the wrong way. It only angers me further when someone says "you just don't get him" or "he's not FOR you". It doesn't help most of the people who say that are hipster douchebags.
